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How are we creating a cleaner future?
C6-Zero is taking one of America’s most common landfill and environmental risks – asphalt shingles – and remanufacturing them into carbon-negative products.
When shingles are replaced, what happens to the used shingles? Can they be remanufactured? The answer is “YES,” but this wasn’t an overnight solution. It has taken years of research and millions of dollars in development costs to perfect the revolutionary proprietary process.
Low-Carbon Products
Our technology brings innovation to the circular economy. From an asphalt shingle, we produce: diesel fuel, ASTM-33 granules, fiberglass, and calcium carbonate. All with a certifiable 24% carbon reduction.
Similar to #2 diesel fuel, our fuel extracted from asphalt shingles gives the customer a 24% carbon reduced fuel. Our ZERO WASTE process brings innovation to the carbon reduction market.
B New Fuel
Has many applications. It can be added to the manufacturing process of concrete for strength. Additionally, it can be blended with epoxy resins during the manufacturing process of many products such as; high-voltage power insulators, posts, benches, building facades, etc.
The granules meet ASTM C-33 sand for specific type and size of sand. ASTM C-33 sand is used to make Portland Cement, Masonry, Septic Systems, etc. The calcium carbonate has many uses in manufacturing such as Paint, Textiles, Asphalt Shingles, etc.
ASTM-33 Granules & Calcium Carbonate